Tips & Trends

Discover the latest Sans Complexe news and let yourself be guided by the wise advice of our lingerie experts.

Lingerie estivale : les indispensables pour vos looks de l’été

Summer lingerie: the essentials for your summer looks

The heat and the sun are making a comeback, outfits are getting shorter and lighter: summer is almost back! To prepare your suitcase for the holidays or simply have a look in which you will feel go...

OccasionsQuelle lingerie porter sous vos vêtements d'été ?

What lingerie to wear under your summer clothes?

Summer is the season for light, less covering outfits. Choosing the right underwear is essential: invisible lingerie acts like a second skin that goes unnoticed under all your clothes, even the tig...

OccasionsComment ranger vos sous-vêtements et maillots dans votre valise ?

How to store your underwear and swimsuits in your suitcase?

You have already chosen your lingerie sets to go with your vacation outfits: invisible under your evening dresses, in lace for dinners or ultra-comfortable for walks, without forgetting your swimsu...

OccasionsChoisir son maillot de bain grande taille idéal

Choosing your plus size swimsuit

Do you feel that vacation air? The warm wind in your hair, the tan darkening on your skin and the smell of the sea or the swimming pool? Us too, and who says vacation says swimsuit. Sans Complexe w...

OccasionsQuelle lingerie choisir pour la Saint-Valentin ?

What lingerie to choose for Valentine's Day?

There's love in the air... Valentine's Day is coming soon, what have you planned for the most romantic evening of the year? With or without Valentin, this is the opportunity to dare to wear sexy a...

OccasionsQuelle lingerie choisir pour rester confortable chez soi ?

What lingerie to choose to stay comfortable at home?

Comfortable lingerie is the best ally for days at home. Working from home, to cocoon under a blanket, to dedicate to creative hobbies: so many little moments at home to enjoy comfortably in your un...